Help beautify our streets

You may paint for a living or as a hobby, whatever your reason, we want to offer you the chance to use our cabinets as a canvas to showcase your work to your local community. You'll be paid for the materials used and a contribution for your time.

A girl sitting on a couch with her dog

Bring life to our streets

Our cabinet art initiative began in 2010 with a test pilot in Auckland to try to reduce the amount of vandalism to our telecommunications cabinets. It proved so successful we have extended it throughout the country and now complete on average 170 murals each year. The programme is proving invaluable as a way to help promote a sense of community belonging, identity and pride while also helping to discourage anti-social behaviour.

Get your name out there

Whether you're a budding Picasso or a creator of Colin McCahon-like landscapes, our art cabinets provide a great entry point to display your creative skills to the public. With each artwork staying in place for several years, the artworks typically get viewed by thousands of pedestrians, cyclists and road-users during their lifetime.

A girl sitting on a couch with her dog
A girl sitting on a couch with her dog

Get paid to do what you love

The cabinet art programme is no labour of love and you'll be paid anywhere from $600 to $1,700 for your painting depending on the size of the cabinet. Once you're onboard and providing your design and painting skills "cut the mustard" there are no limits as to how many cabinets you can choose to do too. A great way to earn some dollars and do what you love!

Popular Cabinets

Get creative

Get involved in the cabinet art programme and bring colour to our neighbourhoods. As seen in this clip, cabinets are easy to work with and require you to flex a bit of creative muscle.

Get started

There are a few steps you need to check before you can get your paints out. But don't worry - it's not that complicated.

Ensure the cabinet art initiative is in your area
Chorus is partnering with local Councils and community groups to bring art to more communities nationwide. Check the list below to see if your local Council is involved in the programme.
Choose your canvas
Next step is to find a suitable cabinet for your masterpiece. Our cabinets vary in size but are usually around 4m² located on streets throughout the community. Check back in around mid-June 2024 for an updated list of Chorus cabinets.
Submit your art
Once you've chosen a cabinet to be your canvas, you'll need to submit a sketch or outline of your intended artwork, along with a title and a few words what it's about. When you do, bear in mind we're looking for high quality and memorable designs with a clear message that's relevant to the community (eg: highlight the history of a place) and is unique, and respectful of the site and local features. Both Chorus and your local Council will review the design and then confirm if your design was successful.
Get painting
Once you've been given the green light it's time to start planning your creation. The best time to paint is generally during the warmer months late September to early April. It's up to the artist to purchase materials (maximum of $150 unless otherwise approved) and complete art work before applying a final anti graffiti guard (supplied by Chorus). Once completed, artist submits photos, invoice and proof of bank account to Chorus (including materials receipts) for final sign off and when approved, invoice is paid.
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get painting
get painting
Supported documents

Anti Graffiti Coating.pdf 144KB


Chorus cabinet art - artist brief 2023.pdf 594KB

Have your artwork promoted
Once created, your artwork is loaded on to the Chorus website blog and Facebook page and may be considered for the annual Chorus cabinet art calendar.


Thanks for your interest in our Cabinet Art Initiative. Things have been delayed this year but please check back here to see when submissions will open. This will not be until at least the end of July 2024 at the earliest.

Completed artworks

Cabinet Art
Incoming Wave

As we head into what are bound to be the nastiest of winter months, let's turn our thoughts to bette...

Cabinet Art
Argument in Blue

Tamaki Makaurau Auckland artist Paul Walsh's latest creation shows something many of us have seen re...

Cabinet Art
Nga kowhaiwhai o Ngati Toa Rangatira

This mural on a Chorus telecommunications cabinet in Porirua is a group project by Moana Solomon, Ke...