What do I need to do?

The build methods used for category 3 can have a greater impact on your property so we need to get consent from all neighbours before getting started. Fill in the consent form included with your notification pack and send it back to us. Once all consents have been gained, we'll be in touch to let you know when we plan to start work.


Category 3 build methods for ROWs

Whether your shared driveway consists of two dwellings or twenty, there’s some work we need to do in shared areas of the property so you and your neighbours can connect to fibre. You will have received a notification pack from us outlining the work we’ll do, including build methods, to bring fibre from the street and along your driveway. Find out more about the category 3 build methods.


The installation process for ROWs

When the work in your driveway is complete, we can connect you. Every property is unique, so there may be a few extra steps involved in getting fibre to your place. No matter where you live, we need to complete the following steps to get you connected:

Agree your install plan

Our technician will walk you through the best installation method for your home and you’ll need to sign a plan agreeing for Chorus to complete this work.

Build your fibre

We build the fibre from the driveway to a small box on the outside of your house called an external termination point. You don’t need to be home but we’ll need to be able to reach you by phone.

Connecting you

We can then connect the fibre to another small box called the optical network terminal (or ONT) inside your house. You will need to be home for this visit as we’ll be working inside.

Install process for ROWs

Check out this video to learn more about the installation process for ROWs.


We visit each property to assess what work we need to do in shared property areas to get fibre connected. Each job is then placed in category 1, 2, or 3 depending on the level of impact the work is likely to have.
We design each build according to our best practice guidelines. The best, least disruptive solution is used to get fibre from the street to the home of the person who has ordered, and we categorise each job on this basis. The category of work would only change if the build method changes.
To get you connected, we need to bring our fibre network through areas of property that are shared with your neighbours. Because they have a stake in these common areas, by law we need to let them know what work we’re planning to carry out.
A neighbour in your building, block of units, or shared driveway has ordered fibre and to get them connected we need to bring our fibre network through shared areas of your property. Because they have a stake in these common areas, by law we need to let them know what work we’re planning to carry out.
In most cases, no. Some apartment buildings and shared driveways do require work outside of a standard residential install and, in those cases, a contribution to the costs is required. If this is case at your property, we will have let you know.
If you or one of your neighbours has ordered fibre, you should have received a notice pack from us. This pack has all the information you need, including a detailed design of the work we are planning. If you did not receive this pack and believe you should have, please contact us.
If the work has been classed as a category 2 build, you may lodge an objection on specific grounds. More information can be found here.
If the work proposed at your place has been classed as a category 1 build, or you disagree with our decision regarding a category 2 build objection, in some instances you are able to take the matter further via a third party disputes resolution process. More information can be found here.
For category 3 builds, we require consent from all neighbours with a shared stake in the property. This is because the work we need to do could cause some disruption.
Due to privacy laws we are unable to share this information.
The consent form required for category 3 builds can be found here.
If the work we’re doing has been classed as category 1 or category 2, you will have received notice of the work including an approximate time frame of when work would begin. Under the Telecommunications Act, consent is only required for category 3 builds. If you believe the work at your property was classed as category 3 but you haven’t provided consent, please contact us.